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John Quincy Adams to Elizabeth Cranch


Dear Cousing

i thank you for your last letter i have had it in my mind to write to you this long time but afairs of much leess importance has prevented me i have made But veray little proviciancy in reading [...] to much of my time in play [th]ere is a great Deal of room for me to grow better brother charls has got a very bad cold martha feild and [Naby?] curtis sends their love to you and sister Naby from your afftionate Cousing

John Quincy Adams

Adams, John Quincy. Letter to Elizabeth Cranch, [1773?]. Jacob Norton Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society. Published in Adams Family Correspondence, Volume 1: December 1761 - May 1776 (Cambridge: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1963). Page 91.