本周@ MHS

By 伊莱恩Grublin

It is another program filled week at the MHS.  一定要 view our online calendar for more information about the following events. 

On Tuesday, 28 February, join the Immigration and Urban History Seminar 系列的 ‘Coddling Controversy’: Italian POWs on Boston’s World War II Homefront.”  Anne Marie Reardon, Brandeis University, will present and Stephen Puleo, author of 波士顿意大利人, will give the comment.  Advance copies of the seminar paper are available for a small 订阅 费.

Wednesday, 29 February, celebrate “leap day” with two public programs at the MHS. 中午,电流 MHS-NEH long-term fellow Margot Minardi, Reed College, offers a 午餐棕色袋 项目,探索她的研究“世界美国公民:和平改革的政治”, 1815-1870.然后在下午6点, former MHS-NEH long-term fellow Michael Hoberman, Fitchburg State University, will discuss his newest publication New Israel / New England: Jews and Puritans in Early America本书的副本可以购买,作者将在节目结束后签名.    

周四, 3月1日, MHS成员和研究员被邀请参加一个特别的活动:埃德蒙·马奇·威尔赖特的建筑和哈佛讽刺城堡的建筑.  We have reached capacity for this event. 

Friday, 2 March, do not miss Natalie Dykstra, author of Clover Adams: A Gilded and Heartbreaking Life and guest curator of the Society’s exhibition on the 摄影 of Clover Adams, as she presents a gallery talk.  的 one-hour gallery talk begins promptly at 2:00 PM. 

And on Saturday, 3 March, all are welcome to enjoy our 90-minute building tour 的 History and Collections of the MHS.  的 tour begins in the MHS lobby at 10:00 AM. 


Welcome Liz Francis, Library Assistant

By 安娜J. 烹饪

今天,图书馆读者服务人员欢迎一位新的图书馆助理加入我们的行列:经验丰富的MHS实习生Liz Francis.

Liz has been a familiar face at the MHS since June 2011, when she began as an 实习生 with the 质量achusetts Finds Her Voice 内战 project. 多亏了她勤奋的研究和写作,我们才能从我们的收藏中突出内战时期的文件 8月, 11月, 12月 去年的.

A long-time 质量achusetts resident, 莉兹拥有艺术与教育学位(加州大学圣克鲁斯分校)和博物馆研究研究生课程, History of Art and Architecture, 德国, Russian (Harvard University), Library Science (Simmons College). 她在公共历史机构的丰富经验包括在海关海事博物馆(纽伯里波特)的职位, 质量.), the Harvard Museum of Natural History, the archives of the Chelsea Public Library. 她带来了她对新英格兰历史的浓厚兴趣和对参考服务的热情.

In addition to working with us here at the MHS, 利兹也将继续在阿诺德植物园园艺图书馆的职位,以及她在西蒙斯的研究. She hopes to graduate with her MLS in 8月 2012.


本周@ MHS

By 伊莱恩Grublin

It looks like it will be another busy week of programs at the MHS. 的re is something for everyone this week.

Tuesday, 7 February at 5:15 PM, John L. 的作者 Boston1775博客他的论文《利记手机官网》将作为 Boston Early American History Seminar Series. Professor Bob Allison, Suffolk University, will give the comment. 

周四, 9 February a new exhibition, A Gilded and Heartbreaking Life: 的 Photographs of Clover Adams, 1883-1885, 打开. 的 exhibition is free and open to the public 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday through Saturday, 6月2日.  

Also on 周四, the History of Women and Gender Seminar continues with a presentation at the Schlesinger Library at Harvard University.  露丝费尔德斯坦, Rutgers University at Newark, will present her paper “Performing Civil Rights: Black Women Entertainers, the ‘Long’ Civil Rights Movement, Second Wave Feminism.” Daphne Brooks, Princeton University, will give the comment.

2月11日星期六,“MHS的历史和收藏”周六之旅将回归. This free 90-minute tour departs the MHS lobby promptly at 10:00 AM.


的 History of Abnormal Eating

By 安娜J. 烹饪

Welcome to the third installment of our 蜂巢 series, “读者利记手机官网,,我们将为您带来MHS图书馆中正在进行的各种研究的例子.

Today’s responses come from Kathryn Segesser, 他是多伦多大学的博士候选人,在1月初的一次密集研究之旅中访问了MHS.

1. 你能简单描述一下让你来到马萨诸塞州历史学会的研究项目吗?

我的研究着眼于18世纪末到19世纪初美国和英国的非正常饮食. 我主要关注讨论长期禁食和过度放纵饮食的原因和本质的医学文献,但我也对其他类型的写作和揭露此类行为的个人经历感兴趣. 我主要是想看看这些饮食模式是否不仅仅是生理上的, if there emerged an idea that the behaviors resulted from a choice, if such theories developed in both regions within similar timeframes. I began my American archival research only recently. 我对MHS的访问是在我研究的这一部分的开始,我计划主要查阅手稿来源.

2. 在我们的收藏中,哪些特定的材料对你的研究很重要? Was there a specific collection or type of material 你咨询过的?

我知道MHS在我研究的早期会很重要,但我脑子里没有一个利记手机官网, given the nature of my topic. I thought that I’d concentrate my attention on the diaries held at the MHS but, although I consulted these, I found a wealth of medical notebooks, records and printed material that I was unaware of prior to arrival. Medical manuscripts, microfilms and printed material all proved valuable.

3. While you were working here, was there something you examined that surprised you? What was it, why was it surprising?

我在MHS查阅的日记是我第一次看到18世纪的美国日记. 我原以为它们会更有描述性,结果却发现它们只是简单地记录了日常生活中的琐事. On the other hand I did not expect to find so many medical manuscripts, 特别是那些包含治疗方法的综合比较和对选定病例的重新编写的笔记. Several manuscripts had incredibly detailed descriptions. 例如, 爱德华·霍利奥克(Edward Holyoke)给马萨诸塞州医学会的一系列笔记中包含了大量利记APP官网手机版1780年代塞勒姆季节和疾病事件的信息. I hadn’t really seen such localized and consistent reporting of that nature before.

4. 从你所咨询的材料中是否有一个特别的引用(或视觉图像)对你来说很突出? What is the quote (or image) and why is it important?

的re were two sources that really stood out. 第一个是 State of the Asylum report for the Philadelphia Asylum (费城,1821). 这份资料包含了我所发现的最早的利记APP官网手机版美国收容所接纳“入院前不断拒绝食物”的人的记录。. 的 second was Benjamin Lynde Oliver’s medical notebooks, 1760-1835 (contained in the 奥利弗家族文件). 在他利记APP官网手机版恐水症的笔记中,我发现了一个非常早期的利记APP官网手机版使用本质上是电击疗法来治疗这种“疾病”的描述,以及对“真正的”和“歇斯底里的”恐水症的单独分类. 奥利弗根据精神冲动的原则区分了恐水症的类型, rather than just physical reactions, is encouraging for my project.

5. 如果你带一个参观者到MHS,你有机会向他们展示我们收藏的一件物品, 会利记APP官网手机版项目呢?

虽然这个来源对我的特殊研究没有成果,但我真的很喜欢阅读 Aaron Wight’s diaries because of the illustrations he drew to accompany his accounts. 这些画有助于立即表明他最热衷于记录的生活方面. 这些图片, 比如这个, from his March 1773 entry, make his notes one of the most visually engaging and lively diaries I’ve seen.

We invited Kathryn to share anything further about her research that 蜂巢 readers might be interested in. 她写道:

I am a PhD candidate at the University of Toronto, in my third year of the programe. 我目前正在英国进行一个夏天的研究,其中一个学期是在美国东北海岸旅行. 我是通过之前对机构治疗的兴趣以及18世纪英国对精神错乱概念的流行使用而来到这个话题的. 我之所以选择将我的论文塑造成一种比较分析,部分原因是大西洋两岸有相当程度的信息交流,部分原因是利记APP官网手机版19世纪前饮食失调的讨论往往以欧洲为中心. 到目前为止,我在英国和美国进行的研究表明,我早期的理论是正确的, 有人试图从心理学的角度来理解这些模式,这一点是成立的, if perhaps the transition towards such an understanding is fairly tentative.