
作者:Anna Clutterbuck-Cook,读者服务中心

今天,我们最后一次回顾乔治·海兰德的日记. If this is your first time encountering our 2019 diary series, catch up by reading the 1月, 2月, March, April, May, June, July, 8月, 9月, 10月, and 11月 1919年先分期付款! Then join me in following George day-by-day through the final month of 1919.

达拉斯·洛尔·夏普的《利记APP官网手机版》(1916),页. 216.

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Dec 1. 上午为夫人锯木头、劈柴2小时. M.G. Seaverns - 60. 在船尾的. 为先生工作了三个小时. James — mowing with lawn mower and raking grass and leaves and other work –Clear. cold. W.N.W. 晚上用吉他弹了一个半小时.

2d. 为夫人工作了5个小时. Bertie Barnes — diging [sic] parsnips, cleaning out part of barn, and harvesting turnips — 1.50. 在那里吃过晚饭. 我在那儿买了一品脱牛奶——七品脱. 牛奶17盎司. 每qt. At N. Scituate. tem. To-day 28-50; W.S.W. fair. Eve. par. Clou., W.N.W. 晚上用吉他弹了一个半小时. The parsnips I dug to-day were the largest I ever saw — some of them were 16 inches long.

3d. Clear. cold. tem. 14-34. W.N.W. 中午在家工作了吗. 在船尾的. 去了我家. 待了一个半小时,又拿了些衣服. 去塞缪尔叔叔家拜访. 艾伦给了我一夸脱牛奶和一些苹果. 走来走去. 对太太说. 伊迪丝·C今天上午去贝利家看一些工作. 萨金特要我做的事. Eve. cold. 11:15 P.M. tem. 18.


Dec 4. Sawed, split and housed the last of my wood — heavy timber boards and etc. Clear. Cold. W.N.W. tem. 13-34. 晚上用吉他弹了十一个半小时. Eve. cold. tem. 18.

5th. 上午,我为史密斯夫人工作了一个半小时. 詹姆斯,总共7个小时 1.00. 我还弄了些木头放在船尾我的木屋里. 走进树林. […]的Conihasset摘一些. (原文如此)松. 没发现什么. 小雪. Tem. to-day about 18-40; W.S. and N.W. aft. Clear. W.N.W. Cold. 晚上用吉他弹了十一个半小时.

6th. Clear. W.N. 上午,S.E. in aft. tem. 利记APP官网手机版27-45. 在船尾的. 为伊迪丝·C小姐工作3又3/4小时. Sargent taking off window screens and putting on storm windows and carrying coal ashes out of cellar and wheeling it out to the swamp — 1.05. 她给了我18个好苹果.I. 绿化). Eve. clou. W.S.E. 晚上用吉他弹了一个半小时. 深夜的暴风雪. 后来变成了雨.

7th. (Sun.)小雨和雾. Eve. clear.

8th. 多云的. Damp. W.N., S.E. 去了学院. 和格林布什一起去摘常青树——我带了满满一袋. Rode to Beaverdam Road with Willie Stockbridge and Lottie in automobile (they called here in morning) then walked to S. Cen. 和Greenbush. 在树林里吃午饭. Ret. 4点12分回来. 从Greenbush. 下午5点开始下雨.M. 整晚小雨. 晚上用吉他弹了一个半小时.

9th. 全天小雨-西风.N.E. 风轻,晚上在家做了些工作. 为J工作了1小时.H. Vinal从货车上得到了好东西,然后把它们放进了商店 30. 晚上下着小雨. Foggy. 晚上用吉他弹了十一个半小时. 盖伦·沃森从船尾打来电话.

10th. 早晨多云,暖和. 刮风和黑暗. 改为N.W. 大约在公元9点开始放晴.M. 去了塞缪尔叔叔家,在那里吃了晚饭. 在船尾的. 去找了先生. 在希望山摘了一袋常青树. 松木等. […] got some wood, cloths, bedding, and 其他的事情 in my house and Ellery B. 海兰德开车带他们来的. 9点半以后又冷又刮风.M. Tem. 今天- 60-30. 10点后很快可以清除.M. Eve. 刮风和寒冷的天气. 25. 弹吉他1小时. 25m. 在夜.

11th. Clear. Cold. W.W.; tem. 16-30. 为J工作3/4小时.H. Vinal在上午——在商店里—— 25.在船尾的. 选了一些. pine. Went nearly to Mungoe’s Corner — came out on a road in the woods near a farm where a family of Finns live. 他们家离公共街道有一英里远. I met a young lady (a Finn) about dark 1/2 mile from the main road (about 13 or 14) She asked me if I had been to her house — I said I just came into the road that leads to their farm. 我给她看了我袋子里的一些松木. Eve. clear. 晚上用吉他弹了一个半小时. 11:30 P.M., tem. 28; hazy.

12th. 为J工作了24小时. H. Vinal unloading a load of flour and packing it in piles in store — also cleaned and washed a large meat grinder — 61. 1/4磅. 里面有肉,我要把它煎着吃. 全天小雨. Warm. tem. 30-60. Eve. 多云的. W.N.W. cooler. 晚上用吉他弹了十一个半小时.

13th. 多云的. Warm. Damp. tem. 58-60. Did some work at home — got the last of the wood from the spot where the laundry was torn down — wood very dirty and wet, prob. 我总共挑出了1/2条线. Bought 65 pounds of very nice straw (rye) at the Story Grain store house — 91 cts. 经理寄了70磅(5磅). (免费的)[…]库克带来的. 在船尾的. 为J工作1/3小时(在商店).H. 聚乙烯醇纤维, 10. Eve. clou. W.N.W. 弹吉他1小时. 25m. 在夜.

14th. (Sun.) Cold rain storm until noon; then snow storm until 2 P.M. 然后,中心思想. Eve. clear. Cold. tem. 26 W.N.W. Took the old hay out my bed and filled with new rye straw; also took the wool out of my mattress and filled it with straw — 70 pounds of straw in both — too much in both of them 30 pounds is enough to fill a bed. Prob. 我在最大的一个里放了40多磅.

15th. Clear. Cold. Windy. N.W. 在船尾的. 我去我家拿了一根炉管和一些东西


其他的事情. 去塞缪尔叔叔家拜访. 艾伦给了妈妈一块冬瓜煮,还有几个苹果. 走来走去. 停在Mrs。. 买了一夸脱牛奶. 埃塞尔拿了两把剪刀让我磨. She met with an accident about 3 weeks ago — ran into a telephone pole while riding in her automobile and her back is still lame. Eve. clear. cold. tem. 20. 晚上用吉他弹了十一个半小时. 11:45 P.M. tem. 18.

16th. 寒冷的天气. 11-22; W.N.W.; Clear, made some wreaths in aft. 我还找了些藤蔓把它们缠在上面. Eve. cold. clear. Tem. 18. 晚上用吉他弹了一个半小时.


30磅棉花- 30磅.

3 pds. 破布- 3.

10 /7 PDS. 锌- 25.

2 pds. 黄铜- 10.

2 pds. 橡胶- 10.

30 pds. 铁- 10.

60 pds. 论文数- 15. (total 1.03)

17th. 寒冷的天气. 暴风雪将持续到上午10点左右.M. aft. Clear. Windy. N.W. 到处飘雪. A water pipe in the bath room froze last [sic] in night and it burst about noon. I had to keep the the [sic] water from the floor because it began to leak down into the store. Kept a pail under the place where it leaked and emptied it often — this was all I could do to-day. I got all the water out of the toilet and box last night — worked on it until 1:30 (after mid). 今晚我是斯科特·甘尼特. 关掉了水. Also took the water out of the copper boiler — connected with the stove. 晚上用吉他弹了一个半小时. 寒冷的夜晚. 11:45 P.M. tem. 零下2度. […]

18th. (在我的前屋)做花环. the R.R. 非常寒冷的天气——零下7度到零下12度. W.N.W. 晚上用吉他弹了一个半小时. Eve. cold. -第2项.

19th. Worked on wreaths — also piled up wood in the woodhouse and carried wood into the house — 2 hours for Mrs. M.G. Seaverns - 60.Cold. par. Clou.; W.N.W. temp. 5-26. 晚上用吉他弹了十一个半小时. Eve. 多云的. 12(中)晴. Tem 24.

20th. Clear. Cold. W.N.W. tem. 10-26. 去塞缪尔叔叔家吃晚饭了. Picked 3 bags of hemlock twigs […] went to my home and got my sled and brought it here only a little […] ground. 停在Wm. 克拉普的. 玛莎一. 克拉普那里. 她订了3个花圈. 松)走来走去. 卖了一个花环给Mrs. 埃塞尔·托里- 25岁. 对太太说. 梅里特去买牛奶了,没有了. Eve. clear. Cold. tem 19. 一晚上做了5个花环. 然后用吉他弹了一个半小时.

21(太阳.)多云A.M. 上午11点后清除.M. W.N.W. tem. 16-32. 早上在船尾做我的花环. 去了塞缪尔叔叔家. Irene there — she brought a loaf of bread there — Ellen gave me 1/2 of it also a large apple. carry 3 pr. 松花圈要W.O. 克拉普的——给玛莎的—— 75. 在Mrs. 梅里特的. Rode 1 mile with a man in auto truck — some one who lives in Beechwoods — could not see who he was — too dark. 走了回来. 玛莎C. 给我看了一片大树林. 各种绿色(野生)植物和红色浆果. Mrs. 克拉普给了我4个苹果. Eve. clear. cold. tem. 15.

22d. 制作花环(15)标准杆. Clou. tem. 利记APP官网手机版15 42. W.N.W. eve. Clear. Tem. 28. 晚上用吉他弹了十一个半小时.

23d. 制作花圈直到深夜.然后带着23个大铁杉花环走到科哈塞特. 没卖掉,下午4:30去了欣汉姆.M. tr. 从Cohasset. 在夜. 在那里卖了12个花环. 卖给太太. 苏尔- 1.00. 卖给了一个男人. H.T.P. — 50. 2 .在同一个地方给另一个人 50. 2 .在同一个地方给另一个人 50. 2 .给别人 50. 今天多云,潮湿,有雾.N.W. Tem. 利记APP官网手机版30-42. 6点17分回来.M. tr. Eve. 多雾,寒冷. 晚上用吉他弹了十一个半小时. I brought back 11 wreaths — the Conductor came and sat in a seat next to mine and took one and examined it, 他说那些花圈很漂亮. 我告诉他我在W区买了铁杉. part of Scituate — where my place is — he belongs in Plymouth or Kingston.

24th. 在上午做花环. 在船尾的. 去欣厄姆卖花圈,卖了4个给Prop. 意大利水果店- 1.00. 2对汤姆. R. Studley - 50. 3到R附近的人.R. Sta.– 75. 在同一个地方附近的一个人 50. 一个人在同一个地方 25. 多云的; W.N.W. tem. 利记APP官网手机版36-46. 潮湿和潮湿. Chilly. 开始下雨了


2:30 P.M. 小雨全下. Cold. 在大街上遇见了亨利埃塔、埃塞尔和弗兰克. H. and E. 要去康涅狄格州的新伦敦吗. 去拜访莱蒂两个星期——弗兰克要带他们去R.R. Sta. 在他的车里,他买了我的两个花环. Eve. dark. cold. 小雨. 在晚上用吉他弹了1又3/4小时.

暴风雪和mod. 深夜的大风. 冷风暴. Max. W. 35m. W.N.E.

日记片段2 - 12月25日(圣诞节)

25th. 圣诞节. 暴风雪将持续到上午8点左右.M. Par. clou. 直到中午. Aft. clear. cold. 我卖了两个花环给J. H. 聚乙烯醇纤维, 50. 在船尾后期. 去了塞缪尔叔叔家——在那里吃了晚饭,度过了一段时间. There. Carried all my wreaths (23) and put one on father’s and one on mother’s graves. One on the other end of the lot where Charlie’s little boy Edward, and little girl, Olive, are. 埃米琳的两个小女孩(埃斯特和马里昂)的坟墓上各有一个, 一个在艾米琳姨妈家, 这三个人在塞缪尔叔叔的地盘上. I put one on grandfather Hyland’s and grandmother Hyland’s — and on one my step-grandmother’s graves, 还有一个在我曾祖母的坟墓上. 洛伊斯Ellins). 总共10个. 剩下的留在塞缪尔叔叔家了. 带着一种稀有的常绿植物去了白宫.O. 然后给了玛莎·A.C. (also some pretty moss evergreen which I picked up near the North River. 对太太说. 买了一些牛奶. 晚上走回家. (用吉他)弹了1小时. 20 m. 在夜. Eve. clear. cold. — tem. 21.

26th. Par. clou. W.S.W. tem. 利记APP官网手机版20-36. 在船尾后期. 去了塞缪尔叔叔家 to get one of my wreaths — to put on Charlie’s new lot in Graveland Cem. 和一面纪念弗雷德的旗帜放在一起. Fred did not come back with the 101st Machine Gun Battalion after the Great War ended. Eve. 多云的. W.N.W. Cold. 晚上用吉他弹了一个半小时.

27th. Par. clou. W.W. tem. 利记APP官网手机版34-39. Mr. W.D. Gannett came here 在上午 and took the water pipes from the back of the stove (disconnected them from the copper boiler) and put a new grate in the stove — and cleaned out the stove. 他离开后,我把炉子拿出来打扫了一下. 在船尾后期. 去了塞缪尔舅舅家. 在那里吃过晚饭. 在Mrs. 梅里特的. 艾瑟尔给我买的. She is nearly well again — got injured in automobile accident about a month ago. Rode 3/4 mile with Everett Marsh, and 1 mile with Robert Litchfield — in their autos. 走了回来. I went up to get some milk, but as I had a chance to ride to Uncle Samuel’s I did so. Received a Christ card in an envelope with a dollar bill from Henrietta — from New London, Conn. 在她离开欣厄姆之前,她还给我寄了2只来自欣厄姆的小鸡. 也娱乐. 几天前洛蒂寄来的圣诞卡. Eve. clou. 我离开后不久就开始放晴了. 梅里特的. 等我来了就清场. back. 用吉他弹了1小时. 10 m. 在夜. 11:30 P.M. tem. 32.

28日(太阳.)明确. Tem about 25-38; W.N.W. eve. clear.

29th. Clear. Cold. tem. 15-35. 中午晚些时候去了塞缪尔叔叔家. 在那里吃过晚饭. 在船尾的. 为塞缪尔叔叔在沼泽地砍柴3又4 /4小时. 在那里吃过晚饭. 走了回来. (也走到那里)艾琳正在那里参观. Eve. clear. cold. Tem. 晚上11点.M. 14. 船尾天气晴朗. W.E.S.S., W.N.W. 在上午. 到我家里去取我的锯马和4英尺的量尺. 用吉他弹了1小时. 10 min. 在夜.

30th. 整天都有小雪. W.W.S.W. 上午,S.E. to E.N.E. in aft. tem. tem. (原文如此)18 - 30. Cut wood 2 hours for Uncle Samuel — had dinner there, walked up and back. 对太太说. 买了一些牛奶. 埃塞尔明白了——在那里呆了5分钟. Eve. clear. cold. windy. W.N.W. 用吉他弹了1小时. 20 min. 11 P.M., tem. 23.

31st. 在沼泽地砍柴4个半小时给塞缪尔叔叔,在那儿吃晚饭. 来回走了20分钟. M.G. 西弗斯——晚上很早. Shoveling snow from path to street and clearing it from steps and […] — 15. 这个季节的好天气. Clear. tem. 15-32. W.N.W. 拜访尤金·布朗


To see if he has any potatoes to sell — Uncle Samuel wants to buy some. Eve. 多云的. tem. 32. 用吉他弹了1小时. 晚上25分钟.


[…]3根绳子1英尺. 给塞缪尔叔叔的[…]硬木- 7.50.

7 1/2硬木绳为L.F. 海兰德- 16.87. 拖出1/2根绳子[…]- 25根.


为L工作. F. 海兰德-采摘豆子- 4.95.

为E工作. 简·利奇菲尔德.60.

海曼·科因- 1.25.

亚伦·贝茨- 40岁.

亚瑟E. Litchfield 4.30.

Wm. F. 卡特- 7.72.

Mrs. 卡罗琳·利奇菲尔德- 2岁.25.

梅森·利奇菲尔德- 5岁.00.

彼得·W. 夏普- 13.38.

Mrs. 艾玛F. 萨金特- 5.85.

查尔斯·贝利- 1.50.

Mrs. Edna T. 贝利- 6.00

伊迪丝小姐. 萨金特- 1.55

弗雷德T. 贝利- 5.60

Mrs. 莎乐美·利奇菲尔德- 5岁.77

  1. O. 克拉普- 7.00

Mrs. 伯蒂·巴恩斯- 7岁.50

Mrs. 维拉·怀尔德- 13岁.60.

赫伯特·贝茨和夫人. 玛丽·怀尔德- 45岁.

Mrs. 玛丽·怀尔德- 35岁.

Mrs. 黑兹尔·戴蒙德- 1.65 […]

约瑟夫·W. 莫里斯- 2.10

乔治·克罗斯比- 17岁.97

Mrs. 克里斯汀·埃利斯和. 布拉德- 8.78

  1. 布鲁斯·弗莱彻- 2.25

Mrs. 科拉·贝利- 20岁.

修理并磨尖1磅. 给太太一把剪刀. 亨丽埃塔·梅里特- 15岁. 锐化2毫米. […. M — 12.

为S工作.T. 长矛- 16.00

玛格丽特·斯皮尔- 5岁.70

Mrs. 埃塞尔·托里- 10岁.90

  1. 弗兰克·克拉普- 26岁.50

Mrs. M.G. 西弗斯- 26岁.55

  1. H. Vinal - 6.41

查尔斯·詹姆斯- 2岁.00

(我家里花园里的)植物卖给了Mrs. M. G. 西弗斯- 1.00

在詹姆斯家卖我花园里的蔬菜,61年. 35盒加仑子.32和1/2盒覆盆子- 10 CTS.

卖了我家的草- 1.00

卖了1 1/2英尺的雪松木- 1.50(锯成柴火)

把垃圾卖给塞缪尔·伯森- 3.11

12月做了54个花圈.)卖出了31个- 7个.75

协助拍卖师在亨丽埃塔的拍卖- 5.00

安置家具,并把它拿出来,为先生. 史密斯拍卖后- 1.00

为亨丽埃塔(11月拆除大楼)工作.) — 2.00


日记片段1 -今年的最终统计

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If you are interested in viewing the diary in person in our library or have other questions about the collection, please 参观图书馆 or 利记手机官网图书馆的工作人员 如需进一步协助.

And stay tuned for our serialized diary from 1920; the first post will appear on 1月 3rd!

请注意,日记的抄写是一个粗略的版本, 不是权威的成绩单. Researchers wishing to use the diary in the course of their own work should verify the version found here with the manuscript original. 乔治·海兰日记的目录记录可能会被发现 here. Hyland’s diary came to us as part of a collection of records related to Hingham, 麻萨诸塞州, 可以找到这个较大利记手机官网的目录记录 here.