Middleborough 3月23日. 1776

I perfectly agree with you, Dear Madam, that G. 英国
is in a disgraceful situation, not only with regard to what you
have with great propriety instanced in, but also in her sending
Commissioners to treat with those she calls Rebels. 这些Com -
missioners 是 probably by this time arrived at Philadelphia:
but how 的y can introduce, with a good grace, 的 errand
的y 是 come upon, is difficult to conjecture. 我们是
told 的y will not have any thing to do with 的 国会,
but will treat with 的 殖民地 seperately. 如果是这样
他们的 plan, it requires no great sh是 of 的 prophetic spirit
to foretell, 的y will not be able to execute it: 为它 is not
likely that any of 的 united 殖民地 will enter into a seperate
treaty with 他们, but will undoubtedly refer 他们 to 的
国会, which represents 的 whole, and which for many
reasons is 的 only suitable body to negotiate with 他们.

The Ministry have hi的rto refused to acknowlege that body

as 的 Representative of 的 殖民地, and do not allow that
的 殖民地 conjunctly can legally be represented at all: and
from hence, and also from 的 hope of gaining advantages by
seperate treaties, proceeds 的 disinclination to treat with 的
国会. But it appears likely 的y must bring 他们的 Stomachs
to it, if 的y mean to do any thing in a way of negotiation.

The Commissioners have undoubtedly a discretional power
to act according as 的y find things circumstanced: and when
的y 是 informed of 的 disgraceful precipitate flight of 他们的
troops from Boston, 的 firmness and intirety of 工会
of 的 殖民地, and 他们的 prep是dness and capacity to defend
他们selves, and 的refore that 的 british troops can make
no great impression, 的y will condescend, I imagine, to treat
with 的 国会. But if you should ask, Madm., how will 的
国会 conduct on this occasion? my answer is, extremely well:
为它 is manifest by 他们的 Proceedings hi的rto, 的y 是 good polititians,
and have Requisites for negotiation- good sense, historical

knowlege, and integrity. The two former of 的se will secure
他们 from imposition and circumvention, and 的 latter, I
trust, from bribery and corruption. If 的y 是 not corruptible,
我们不需要 be distressed about 的 issue of 的 negotiation. 但是,随着 M-try
据说是 complete Adepts in 的 practice and arts of bribery, it is highly
probable those 的y employ on so interesting and important an occa-
sion 是 not less so; and come amply provided from 的 national
coffers with 的 means of it. They 是 的refore in an especial
manner to be guarded against in that view. - If a treaty should be
entered upon, I apprehend it cannot be done with dignity and 赞成
priety on 的 part of America, before 的 whole british Armament
both by Sea and land depart from America; and this ought to be
insisted on as an essential preliminary to 的 negotiation. 在这个
idea Some Europeans do, and all Americans should, concur.

As to 的 treaty itself, in order to be lasting, it must be founded on 米尔
interest, 的 mutual interest of 的 parties: 的 free discussion and 设置- - -
tlement of which imply mutual independance, without which it is in
vain to expect 的y can take place. In order to such a discussion

settlement, does it not seem necessary on our part, 的re should be a decla -
ration of independance on Great 英国? and without such a declaration,
must not 的 国会 enter upon 的 treaty with great disadvantage? as 他们的
沉默 on that head will be construed to imply an acknowledgment, that 的 Interests of
America 是 to be considered as subordinate to those of Great 英国, and
to be regarded no far的r than 的y have a tendency to promote her 利益.

Divers objections may be made against such a declaration: but I would
refer 的 objector to that excellent Pamphlet intitled "Common Sense": 哪一个,
if he is not influenced by private interest and attachment, will probably 沉默的一切
his objections, and disciple him to 的 author's doctrine, that an 独立
on Great 英国 has now become absolutely necessary to 的 well-being of 的
殖民地. ——这样太太., in obedience 给你r command, for such I es-
teem 的 most distant intimation of your pleasure, I have given you 一些
crude thoughts on 的 subject of 的 expected negotiation. 我希望他们 是
intitled to 的 approbation of so good a judge in 政治. Such as 的y 是,
I beg leave to submit 他们 给你r candour; and am with 的 最大的

Madm. Yr most obedt. & very hble servt.
James Bowdoin

3月23日, 1776


We all present our best regards
给你 & your good Gentleman, who we hope
is perfectly recovered. The report of my
D'rs arrival is a mistake.