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Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 30 June 1778 draft, with one enclosure

Dearest of Friends

Shall I tell my dearest that tears of joy filld 我的眼睛今天早上看到他熟悉的手, the first line which has blessed my Sight since the 他离开了四个月,在这期间我从来没能从他那里学到一个字, 我亲爱的儿子,直到大约十天前,有人把一篇英语论文带进了塞勒姆 containd 《利记手机官网》上利记APP官网手机版你到达巴兹博士住所的报道. 上星期哈利法克斯的一个贩毒集团带来了 Capt. Welch of the Boston who informd 他在三月十一日离开了你,他有信给我,但是 distroyed利记APP官网手机版时候被带走的,这就是我所能得到的全部信息. 我们的敌人告诉我们那艘船被劫持了并命名为那艘护卫舰它被带到普利茅斯. 自从你离开我,我一直过着恐惧和焦虑的生活, 你离开后不到一个星期,富兰克林博士被暗杀的恐怖故事就从法国收到,由富兰克林先生寄来. 将巴尔的摩移交给国会和波士顿. Near two months before that was contradicted, then we could not hear a word from the Boston, and most people gave her up as taken or lost, 这样,我的心像翻腾的海一样躁动. You will easily Conceive how gratefull to me your favour 4月25日和我们的儿子对我和我的儿子tho 我很遗憾你的警告太短,给我写信的时间太少了, 因此,我不知道你在你的 Voiage你受到了怎样的接待(甚至没有受到女士们的接待), tho you profess yourself an admirer of them,)以及我想知道的许许多多情况, and which are always perticuliarly interesting to [a] near connextion. 我必须要求你时时刻刻都要守时,用任何交通工具给我写信. Some perhaps which may appear unlikely to reach [me] will be the first to arrive. I own I was mortified at so Short a Letter, 但想到还有更多的人正在向我走来,我的心就安静下来了. I have wrote Seven before this

and some of them very long. Now I know you are Safe I wish myself with you. 每当你怀有这样的愿望时,请记住,我愿意冒一切危险做你的同伴, 不过既然不允许这样做,你就得在你不在的时候把你的历险讲给我听,以此来安慰我, tho 我想我不会让他们在所有方面都与你的亲戚太相似 venerable Colleigue, Whose Mentor like appearence年龄和哲学一定会引导礼貌 scientifick 法国的女士们假设她们正在拥抱智慧之神,在 Humane Form, but I who own that I never yet wish'd 一个我爱过一个人的天使,就会像那些神圣的天使一样心满意足 Honours are omitted. 我朋友的整个心都在他伴侣的怀里, more than half a score of years has so riveted [it] there that the fabrick which contains it must crumble into Dust e'er the particles can be seperated. 我可以高兴地听到任何女性的辉煌成就,并为承认他们的慷慨的情感而高兴. 与此同时,我对我国女性教育的狭隘狭隘感到遗憾. I haveever entertaind a superiour 自从我读了他的书信以来,我对法国女士们的成就的看法 Dr. Sherbear, who professes that he had in all 在礼貌写作方面,我宁愿听取一位有造诣的女士的意见,而不愿听取初级才艺的意见 Itally 他认为得到她的赞许比得到一长串文人的赞许更安全, 他给出的理由是女人一般比男人有更细腻的感觉, 触动他们的大部分都是真实的, whereas men warpt by Education, 判断时偏离了先前的偏见,而把一切事物都参照古人的模式, condemn that by comparison where no true Similitud ought to be expected.

But in this country it was too much the  [illegible 你不需要别人告诉你,女性教育在多大程度上被忽视了, 也不知道嘲笑女性学识是多么时髦,tho 我承认,能与一个心胸更宽宏大量、思想更开明的人交往是我的幸福. 我忍不住要把我最近在这个问题上遇到的一些慷慨的情感写下来. 如果女人说作家是我们的敌人, 我认为这样解除他们的武装,不允许他们使用我们自己使用的武器,是一种可耻的懦弱, but if they deserve the title of our Friends a tis 这是一种不人道的暴政,剥夺了他们接受天才教育的特权,而这种特权也会使他们的友谊更加深厚 delightfull to themselves and others us. Nature is seldom observed to be niggardly

of her choisest Gifts to the Sex, their Senses are generally as quick as ours, their Reason as nervious, their judgment as mature and solid. 除了这些天生的完美之外,再加上后天习得的知识所带来的好处,他们会证明自己是多么有礼貌和迷人的生物啊 discloseing their Brighter intellects. 我们也不必担心这样会使我们的帝国失去控制 improveing 他们天生的能力来自于最缺乏的地方 abilities Learning, 理智和知识总是被认为是最谦虚和正直的举止.

[Small enclosed document.]

Whose mentor like appearence age & philosophy lead the on oft certainly  [illegible 法国的女士们以为她们以仁慈的姿态拥抱智慧之神但我承认,我从未希望我所爱的天使成为一个男人, 如果这些神圣的荣誉被省略,则应充分作为内容.

Cite web page as: 阿比盖尔·亚当斯致约翰·亚当斯的信,1778年6月30日,草稿[电子版]. Adams Family Papers: An Electronic Archive. Massachusetts Historical Society. http://yvuviv.automaticl.net/digitaladams/
Original manuscript: Adams, Abigail. 阿比盖尔·亚当斯致约翰·亚当斯的信,1778年6月30日,草稿. 4 pages. 原稿来自亚当斯家族文件,马萨诸塞州历史学会.
Source of transcription: Butterfield, L.H., and Marc Friedlaender, eds. Adams Family Correspondence. Vol. 3. Cambridge, Mass. : Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 1973.
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