A website from the 马萨诸塞州历史学会; founded 1791.
Adams Family Papers : An Electronic Archive

Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 1797年1月28日



我收到了一封邮件 周四 the whole Mail containing your Letters of the 6th 9th [约翰对阿比盖尔,1797年1月9日] 11th [约翰对阿比盖尔,1797年1月11日] 14 [约翰对阿比盖尔,1797年1月14日] & 16th [约翰对阿比盖尔,1797年1月16日] [John to Abigail, 16 January 1797 (second)] . I began to be very impatient at rude Boreas for laying an embargo 在 that intercourse which alone mitigated the pain 和 anxiety of 分离.

Genll. 林肯 电话就 这周一开始我就来了 informd 告诉我你很好. 持续的寒冷天气已经越来越多了 有利的 to my Health than any winter we have had for years past, 和 since I have been 内设 而《利记手机官网》我却没有 faild 几乎每天都要呼吸新鲜空气. 在我最近的一封信中 密闭的 you Frothinghams estimate of a carriage but as you have orderd one it will not do to apply to him 和 you will want one sooner than he could make one. I have been thinking that we shall want a light travelling Carriage for me to go to 和 from Philadelphia, 因为你不能没有一个人离开, 和 would it not be best for to sit Frothingham to make one something 在 the same plan with that which we formerly Had? "You say your Farm appears very differently to you now from what it did, 和 that it seems to you as if you ought not to think of it."

的 greater reason there is for me to turn my attention to it, I consider it as our 旦尼尔

最后的 作为我们的安全方舟. 我认为不应该是这样 患了 陷入衰退, 和 I shall not regret any pains which I can bestow 在 it to render it a retirement eligible to us when we are four Years older if we should live to see the day. We have been doing, 和 undoing all our days. I would aim at making such arrangements as would tend to make it better rather than worse even tho 我花费了它的两倍 年度l 收入. 比林斯已经 returnd 他的感觉和行为都很好. He is going to sled stones next week, but it is impossible to dig them. We have had a covering of snow 和 Ice impenetrable to every tool, the finest Sleighing I ever knew. 的 Snow very level so that there has been no difficulty in turning out of the road, but for six weeks no rain 和 so cold as not to Thaw at all.

的价格 which is good superfine has been in Boston from 11/2 to 12. I have inquired divers times, 和 I gave 12 about a month ago. 现在是11/2 上校 Beal has just told me he gave last week, but it is not of concequence 是否发送. 我可以在这里买.

In one of your Letters you mention having seen enough at East Chester, in 另一个 你惊叫 可怜的 Nabby,说你已经写信给 Col. 却得不到答案. 我收到了我太太的一封信. Smith in December, in which she expresses a state of anxious 不确定, 和 a willingness to submit to her Lot with resignation if she could but know that all

只是要求得到了满足. 说到。 Col 沃克作为一个男人非常 Rigirous 和 disposed to take ungenerous advantages. Mrs Shaw came here on a visit 和 spent the last week with me. She told me of many things which I did not before know of, 和 which I must give credit to. 其中一些你们之前听过 查尔斯. 的 Col 是一个人 的例子 devoid of judgment 和 has deceived himself with visionary schemes, 和 run risks which he ought not to have done, 和 led his Family into a state of living which I fear his means would not bear him out in.

You have I suppose before this Time received a Letter from me which 密闭的 另一个 proof of your old stuanch Friends confidence 和 attachment.

"的 Friend thou hast, 和 their adoption tried
Grapple them to thy soul with hooks of steel."

Mr. Black told me the other day on his return from Boston that Col. H. 是 失去 ground with his Friends in Boston, On what account I inquired. Why for the part he is said to have acted in the late Election. 啊,那利记APP官网手机版?? Why they say that he tried to keep out both Mr. A--sJ--n, 和 that he behaved with great duplicity. He wanted to bring in Pinckney that he himself might be the dictator. So you see according to the old adage, Murder will out. 我鄙视双面神

tho 我并不想抱怨 at or condemn the conduct of those who did not vote for you, because it is my firm belief that if the people had not been imposed 在 by false reports 和 misrepresentations, the vote would have been nearly unanimous. H--n dared not risk his popularity to come out openly in opposition, but he went secretly cunningly as he 虽然t to work, 和 as his influence is very great in the N Engl和 States, 他强迫他们. Ames you know has been his firm friend. I do not believe he suspected him, nor Cabot neither whom I believe he 玩会 在. Smith of S C 是 duped by him I suspect.

要注意这点 spair 卡修斯,一直都是 occured to me when I have seen that cock sparrow. O I have read his Heart in his wicked Eyes many a time. 魔鬼就在他们心里. 他们是 laciviousness itself, or I have no skill in Physiognomy.

请烧掉这封信. 死人是不会说话的. It is really too bad to survive the Flames. I shall not dare to write so freely to you again unless you assure that you have complied with my request.



引用网页为: Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 1797年1月28日 [electronic edition]. Adams Family Papers: An Electronic Archive. 马萨诸塞州历史学会. http://yvuviv.automaticl.net/digitaladams/
原稿: 亚当斯,阿比盖尔. Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 1797年1月28日. 4页. Original manuscript from the Adams Family Papers, 马萨诸塞州历史学会.
转录来源: 亚当斯论文编辑项目. 未经证实的音标.