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Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 21 December 1798

My Dearest Friend

I Last Evening received yours, of the 13th. I believe I must Cheer you up a little, and I dont know how to do it more affectually than by telling you that I am better, that I rest well a nights, and that yesterday for the first time I drank Coffe at my Sister Cranchs. We had a light fall of Snow two days ago, which coverd the bare ground, and as the Banks were considerably sunk and the Roads pretty well Beat, the travelling is much mended, and I can ride some, every day. But the winter is very severe. Brother Cranch has got to ride out, and so has Boylstone Adams. Our comforts are strewd amidst our perplexities, and we have a Share of enjoyment and Satisfactions which we should most keenly feel, if we were deprived of them. "No Man liveth for himself." The Tour of duty falls harder upon some than others and he to whom ten talents is given, must expect if he would receive the precious Reward "of Good and Faithfull Servant" to improve them ten fold. To endure and suffer in a Good cause has been the Lot of the Greatest Law givers, Statesmen, Heroes and Phylosophers, nor is their any Charm ofor Tallissman, to Sheild or defence for similiar Characters even in this age

in this age of the world. I observe by the early opening of the debates, that it is not probable there will be less acrimony than upon former occasions in Congress. The Antis are determined if possible to remove the two strongest barriers which the Friends of Government have Erected for their Security and that of the publick. I would move to have as many Coppies of Judge Cushings late Charge to the grand jury publishd and anexd to the Laws, as there are coppies of the Laws printed, To a candid mind I should think it would be equally usefull.

I inclose you my paper of yesterday. There is a foolish Elogium upon H r. I wish people would understand Characters more throughly before they worshipt them.

I must say to you as you do to me, pray keep up your Spirits and Buffet the Waves. We shall find a safe post I trust at last, If not in this world, I trust a better awaits us. This is a consolation that our firm belief in the Christian Religion holds out to us, and of this, the world cannot deprive us.

I am anxious for the safe arrival of our dear Thomas, but I must commit him to the care of a kind Providence which has hertofore protecded my Family upon the ocean.

With a kind remembrance to all Friends

I am as ever Your
A Adams

[Envelope -- see page image]

[Endorsement -- see page image]

Cite web page as: Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 21 December 1798 [electronic edition]. Adams Family Papers: An Electronic Archive. Massachusetts Historical Society. http://yvuviv.automaticl.net/digitaladams/
Original manuscript: Adams, Abigail. Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 21 December 1798. 3 pages. Original manuscript from the Adams Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Source of transcription: Adams Papers Editorial Project. Unverified transcriptions.
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