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Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 20 October 1799

My dearest Friend

I reachd this place yesterday about 11 oclock and found the Family all well the Col. with his Regiment gone to the Jersies. Mrs. Smith and Nancy reachd here on fryday from Baltimore, the fever still so bad in N York, that it is not adviseable to go in. We had two very frosty nights upon our Journey, some fogs. I took some cold, Mr. Otis a very bad one. I left him& family at Mrs. Hatens, about 7 miles from hence; our Journey to Springfield was pleasent, with fine roads there. I was obliged to hire a Horse, as young Farmer became so very lame that he could proceed no further in a carriage. James led him on untill we got to Webbs, when having a Horse of Webbs, we thought it best to blead himFarmer in his feet take off his Shoes and put him into a good pasture, and let him run a few days. I could not help feeling angry with Higgins for his obstinacy, the Horse is naturally lazy and deficient in Spirit, which was the reason that he never would drive him if he could form any excuse. Favorite performd very well, stood the journey better than he ever did before, old Farmer very well and Ceasar Brislers purchase I am quite delighted with, steady and spirited as peacock without his rashness. Fille the young Horse came on with James very well.

Brisler will be on this week. He will proceed to Trenton there to take your directions as to going into Philadelphia. I do not expect we shall get in earlier than the 2d week in

November. I shall be for crosing the N river as early in the Season as possible. I am anxious to learn if you have got rid of your cold. I found a Letter from here; but it containd more Subject for distress or mind, than comfort.

As your quarters are so small at Trenton you will not wish for company. I will come however and Nurse you, and submit to any inconvenience. If you do not soon get better, you must get some oxemal squills, and take two Teaspoon full in any tea drink of Hysop or Sage, or Balm at Bed time. Has William escaped a cold.

Mrs. Smith and Caroline send duty

Yours affectionatly
A Adams

[Envelope -- see page image]

Cite web page as: Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 20 October 1799 [electronic edition]. Adams Family Papers: An Electronic Archive. Massachusetts Historical Society. http://yvuviv.automaticl.net/digitaladams/
Original manuscript: Adams, Abigail. Letter from Abigail Adams to John Adams, 20 October 1799. 3 pages. Original manuscript from the Adams Family Papers, Massachusetts Historical Society.
Source of transcription: Adams Papers Editorial Project. Unverified transcriptions.
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