
撒迪厄斯凯悦: Forgotten Abolitionist and Prisoner of Conscience



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This photograph of abolitionist and inventor 撒迪厄斯凯悦 was sent to his Massachusetts lawyer and fellow abolitionist 塞缪尔·E. 席沃 in April of 1860 from Hyatt's cell in the Washington jail.


撒迪厄斯凯悦于1816年出生在Rahway, 新泽西, and is perhaps best remembered as a structural engineer and inventor of translucent paving glass for sidewalks and walkways. Hyatt's "vault lights"--glass lenses set into cast iron (and later concrete) frames--created sidewalks which provided light to the areas below. The fortune amassed from this invention and others allowed Hyatt to pursue his passions which, 1854年堪萨斯-内布拉斯加法案通过后, included the establishment of Kansas as a free state and the abolition of slavery. He became a friend of the ardent abolitionist John Brown, spearheading a fundraising effort on behalf of his family after Brown's arrest. 报纸称赞了凯悦的努力, noting that his "integrity and devotion to freedom and humanity are widely known…"


在袭击哈珀斯渡口失败后, the United States Senate commissioned an investigation into the matter, casting a wide net to find those who had helped Brown. 撒迪厄斯凯悦, who--in addition to being Brown's friend—had been falsely implicated by co-conspirator John E. Cook as one of the people who knew of Brown's plans beforehand, was drawn into their net. 起初, 海厄特表示愿意出庭作证, but after arriving in Washington at the beginning of February, he stonewalled the committee and its increasingly imperious requests, asserting that the Senate was overstepping its power by compelling him to testify in an "unconstitutional exercise of authority.“不用说, the Senate was not amused by his challenge to their authority and on 12 March 1860, voted 44 to 10 to jail Hyatt for contempt despite a lengthy argument on his behalf by Boston attorneys 塞缪尔·E. 席沃和John A. 安德鲁.

Hyatt, viewing himself as a martyr to the cause, accepted his imprisonment and continued his crusade. 根据他的讣告 纽约时报, "Instead of taking his imprisonment seriously he had his prison room decorated and furnished and then issued invitations to his friends. 他从不缺少访客." He seemed to take a perverse pride in being locked up, having checks emblazoned with the jail's return address printed up, mailing "at home" cards to friends and politicians in Washington, and sending out his photograph to various friends inscribed from the Washington Jail.

最后, the Senate investigation turned up little of what had been viewed by some Senators as an "intricate plot by Northern abolitionists to wreak havoc throughout the slaveholding south." Just thirty three people were interviewed between January and May, 虽然其他人被召来了,但没有出现. Of the "Secret Six," Brown's financial backers, only George L. 斯特恩斯和塞缪尔·格里德利·豪作证, both categorically denying any prior knowledge of the plot. 布朗的儿子小约翰., 谁可能对计划知情, 也拒绝作证, remaining in Ohio and surrounding himself with armed bodyguards. Although arrest warrants were issued to John Brown, Jr.詹姆斯·雷德帕斯,富兰克林·B. Sanborn, and Hyatt for failure to testify, only Hyatt was ever arrested. In June of 1860, the Senate wrapped up its inquiry and Hyatt was released from jail. 以他漫不经心的方式, 他给纽约的朋友打电报, "Have been kicked out; will be home tomorrow.在他获释后的几个月里, Hyatt ran a contest for the best essays on the Constitutional limits of senatorial power; solicited funds to publish 40,000 copies of a speech by Charles Sumner; and offered a $1000 prize for the invention of a flying machine. 他再次参与了堪萨斯的救灾工作. In 1861, he went to France to serve as American Consul at LaRochelle. He moved to London in 1869 and died in 1901 at the age of 85 at his summer home in the Isle of Wight.

谁是塞缪尔?. 席沃?

塞缪尔·Edmund 席沃 (1799-1888) was a Boston-born lawyer and activist with impeccable antislavery credentials—his great-great grandfather, 巫术审判法官塞缪尔·休厄尔写道 约瑟的买卖, the first antislavery tract published in New England. 塞缪尔13岁时进入哈佛大学, graduating four years later near the top of his class and earning his law degree from Harvard in 1820. His first antislavery essay "论美国的奴隶制,出版于1827年, called slavery "the curse of every country in which it has been adopted, 对被压迫者和压迫者同样有害," but stopped short of demanding immediate and total abolition, advocating instead gradual emancipation and colonization.

In 1830, 席沃 attended William Lloyd Garrison's first public lecture on slavery and became convinced that immediate abolition of slavery was a moral imperative, 迅速将他的资源投入到这个问题上. 他资助了加里森 解放者 and was a co-founder of the Massachusetts Anti-Slavery Society. 19世纪50年代, he worked tirelessly on behalf of fugitive slaves including Shadrach Minkins, 托马斯·西姆斯, 和乔治·拉蒂默. After the Civil War, 席沃 became involved in the women's rights movement. 他死于肺炎,享年89岁.


Langsdorf,埃德加. "塞迪厄斯·凯悦在华盛顿监狱" 堪萨斯历史季刊,卷. 9, no. 第3页(1940年8月). 227-239.

爱德华·J·勒内汉. The Secret Six: The True Tale of the Men Who Conspired with John Brown. 纽约:皇冠出版社,1995.

塞缪尔·E·休厄尔. "论美国的奴隶制," 基督教的考官,卷. 4, no. 第3页(1827年5月和6月).201-227.

塞缪尔·E·休厄尔. 约翰·A. 安德鲁,法律顾问. 为赛迪斯·凯悦辩护, Brought before the Senate of the United States on a Charge of Contempt for Refusing to Appear as a Witness before the Harper's Ferry Committee. S.l.: s.n., 1860.

蒂芙尼,妮娜·摩尔. 塞缪尔·E. 休厄尔:回忆录. 波士顿:霍顿米夫林出版社,1898.