
的 Mount Kenya book club: 的odore Roosevelt discusses politics and literature while on safari in East Africa in 1909.

西奥多·罗斯福给亨利·卡伯特·洛奇和南希·戴维斯·洛奇的信, 1909年9月10日手稿

西奥多·罗斯福给亨利·卡伯特·洛奇和南希·戴维斯·洛奇的信, 10 September 1909


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    One of the Massachusetts Historical Society’s most interesting collections of presidential papers consists of personal letters from President 的odore Roosevelt to Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, but their correspondence extends over a much longer period than Roosevelt’s seven-and-one-half-year presidency. 从1884年到1919年罗斯福去世之前, 这两个朋友和他们的配偶交换了数百封信, 笔记, 电报, 演讲稿的注释副本, 报纸上的文章, 和照片. 因为罗斯福的广泛旅行, 他写给洛奇的许多信都是在异国他乡写的, but perhaps none from such a long distance—although largely about matters at home—as an eight-page letter written in pencil from “North of Mount Kenia” on 10 September 1909.


    西奥多·罗斯福的总统任期于1909年结束. Although he had made a commitment not to seek a third term and had handpicked his successor, 威廉·霍华德·塔夫脱, he left the White House with regret ("no other President ever enjoyed the Presidency as I did") and almost immediately embarked on a year-long safari in East Africa that was also a scientific expedition. Seven weeks after he left the White House he was in the field in Kenya and within two months the first of a series of articles he wrote documenting the expedition appeared in 斯克里布纳尔出版社的杂志.

    1909年9月10日, 他的非洲之旅开始了四个月, 罗斯福写信给老朋友亨利·卡伯特和安娜·卡伯特·米尔斯·洛奇, 出自“肯尼亚山以北”," first providing "Cabot" (谁 represented Massachusetts in the senate) with his views on current American political affairs. Roosevelt preferred a "heavily progressive" inheritance tax to the proposed federal income tax. “现在,我来谈谈可能会吸引南希(南希夫人)的事情. 洛奇)也,他继续说道,并在接下来的五页中讨论了他正在阅读和写作的内容, 他带到非洲的书, 以及查尔斯? W. 艾略特推荐的自我完善的一套将成为 哈佛经典这是一本50卷的标准文学选集,于次年出版.


    西奥多·罗斯福(1858-1919)和亨利·卡伯特·洛奇(1850-1924)不太可能是朋友. 他们在哈佛学院相识, 但他们的友谊真正开始于1884年, 当时他们作为年轻的共和党改革者联合起来. 就性情而言,他们简直是天壤之别, 但罗斯福在洛奇身上找到了一位良师益友,他将成为罗斯福极其忠诚的政治盟友. 当罗斯福在1901年成为总统时, 他们政治角色的相对权力被颠倒了, 但35年来,"卡伯特"洛奇是西奥多最亲密的朋友.

    罗斯福被洛奇的妻子安娜·卡伯特·米尔斯(“保姆”)·洛奇(1850-1915)迷住了。. Nannie corrected 的odore when he misquoted Dickens or Shakespeare and joined in his high-spirited antics. Forthright and resolute, she could poke fun at TR and "Pinky"—her pet name for her husband. 西奥多有时直接给她写信,经常给这对夫妇写联名信, 两人都是他最好的朋友. 他给卡伯特的信几乎总是以结束语结尾, 包括来自古巴战场的信件, 白宫——或者非洲——上面写着“爱你的奶奶”."


    一个贪婪的读者和一个多产的作家, Roosevelt equipped himself for his African expedition with a sturdily-bound traveling library that became known as the "Pigskin Library." In 非洲狩猎小径, 他在旅途中写的文章汇编, 他绘声绘色地描述了他在非洲著名的图书馆里读书的情景, 中午在树下休息的时候, 也许就在我杀死的野兽的尸体旁边, or else while waiting for camp to be pitched; and in either case it might be impossible to get water for washing. 结果,这些书都沾上了血, 汗水, gun-oil, 灰尘, and ashes; ordinary bindings either vanished or became loathsome, 而猪皮只是长得像经常使用的马鞍一样.在他写给卡伯特和南希的同一天写的一封信中, he confessed to politician and author George Otto Trevelyan that he always had some volume in his pocket, “现在太老了,不能满足于猎人的生活。.猪皮图书馆由35位作者(和圣经)的60多卷组成。, but he recorded that he added about 25 more books to his collection during the course of the expedition.


    Sandwiched between his review of political affairs in the United States and a vivid account of the lion and elephant hunting that he and his son, 米, 已经进行, Roosevelt gave Nannie (and Cabot) a close analysis of his reading and book selection for the trip (he had discovered Shakespeare in middle age, 并反复重读自己喜欢的书), 与“前总统艾略特”的书单进行了不利的比较. 查尔斯W. Eliot had retired from the presidency of Harvard a month before Roosevelt left the presidency of the United States. 在他离任之前, Eliot declared in a speech to working men that a "five-foot shelf" of properly selected books could provide a young man with a good substitute for a liberal education. He was pressed to come up with such a list and the contents were published the following year as the 哈佛经典. 两位前总统都不是志趣相投的人,《利记APP官网手机版》找到了艾略特的名单, 按照最初的构造, “有点荒谬," especially in its overarching claim to provide the reader with a comprehensive introduction to the humanities and science. 罗斯福指出,古典作家的许多作品都不存在, "not to speak of all poetry and novels" made "the list ridiculous as the list of books to 'give a man the essentials of a liberal education.’”正如出版的那样 哈佛经典 filled some of those gaps and a separate, 20-volume "second shelf" was devoted to fiction.

    In 1910, Roosevelt returned from Africa by way of Europe where he was greeted everywhere as a celebrity—the greatest celebrity of his day. 被他选择的继任者的保守政策越来越疏远, 威廉·霍华德·塔夫脱总统, 1912年,他重新进入共和党政坛, 这让他与朋友和盟友产生了分歧, Cabot Lodge, 然后退出民主党,以进步党身份参选, “公牛驼鹿”候选人. Roosevelt and Lodge reconciled during the bitter election campaign that followed when TR was wounded in an assassination attempt. 卡伯特得以远离政治,并且, 与乳母, 表达了他对西奥多的关心和强烈的个人感情. Illness and death darkened their last years: Nannie Lodge died suddenly in 1915; and Roosevelt in 1919. Cabot completed his edition of the Roosevelt-Lodge correspondence before following them in 1924.


    西奥多·罗斯福死后, 在他遗孀的同意和帮助下, 伊迪丝, Henry Cabot Lodge prepared an edition of his correspondence with his friend for publication. Illness slowed Lodge's work on the project and the two-volume set of letters was not published until 1925, 罗斯福去世六年后. 西奥多·罗斯福与亨利·卡伯特·洛奇书信选集 has been an extremely valuable source for Roosevelt biographers and also a source for later editions of Roosevelt's letters, 但罗斯福和洛奇在他们的个人叙述中常常非常坦率, 为彼此而写, 时事和政治对手和朋友的弱点. 例如, 罗斯福在给洛奇的信中(已出版)提到了“那个不可思议的家伙”, Godkin,指的是爱德华·劳伦斯·戈德金, 记者兼报纸编辑, 谁, 作为Mugwumps的创始人, 在19世纪80年代就政治改革问题与罗斯福和洛奇决裂. What Roosevelt actually wrote was, "that scoundrelly liar and slanderous, envious blackguard, Godkin." 研究ers should proceed with caution in using the published Roosevelt-Lodge correspondence or editions of Roosevelt letters based upon the 1925 Lodge edition.


    至2016年1月9日, 罗斯福府邸的信件, 包括1909年9月10日信件的一页, 还有照片和纪念品, 将在马萨诸塞州历史学会的一个名为, “永远是你的朋友”:西奥多·罗斯福写给亨利·卡伯特·洛奇的信,1884-1918. 的 exhibition is open to the public without charge, Monday through Saturday, 10:00 AM-4:00 PM.


    道尔顿凯瑟琳. 西奥多·罗斯福:艰苦的一生. 纽约:Alfred A. 克诺夫出版社,2002年.

    樱桃白兰地,亚当. "重新考虑“五英尺高的架子”." 哈佛杂志. 2001年11 - 12月刊.

    莫里斯,埃德蒙. 罗斯福上校. 纽约:兰登书屋,2010.

    罗斯福,西奥多。. 非洲狩猎小径: An Account of the African Wanderings of an American Hunter-Naturalist. 纽约:辛迪加出版公司,1909.

    附录F非洲野生动物小径(p. 569-575) is a list and analysis of the "Pigskin Library" and a recapitulation of Roosevelt's reservations about "Mr. 艾略特的[书]单."

    ---. 西奥多·罗斯福的书信. 剑桥:哈佛大学出版社,1954年. 由Elting morrison选编. 8日波动率.

    ---. 西奥多·罗斯福与亨利·卡伯特·洛奇书信选集, 1884-1918. 纽约:查尔斯·斯克里布纳的儿子们,1925年. 2波动率.

    Wagenknecht,爱德华. 西奥多·罗斯福的七个世界. 纽约:朗芒,格林 & Co., 1958.