
"I have heard Some of the Democratic rejoicing": 阿比盖尔 Adams's Last Letter to John

阿比盖尔·亚当斯给约翰·亚当斯的信,1801年2月21日 手稿



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    阿比盖尔 Adams wrote to her husband President John Adams on 21 February 1801 from Philadelphia en route from Washington, D.C.到马萨诸塞州昆西. 在这, she provided John with an update about how the election of 托马斯·杰斐逊 as President of the United States was received. 这封信是近1封信的最后一封,200 extant letters that John and 阿比盖尔 exchanged between 1762 and 1801.  John's retirement from public service in 1801 meant that they had no need to exchange letters because they were not separated for any significant amount of time during the remaining seventeen years of their marriage.  (阿比盖尔 died in 1818 and John died eight years later, in 1826.)


    On 3 December 1800 presidential electors across the United States convened in their respective states to cast their votes. Sixty-five-year-old incumbent President John Adams faced opposition within his Federalist Party but was also challenged by his vice president, 托马斯·杰斐逊. 竞选一直很激烈, and both Federalists and Democratic-Republicans had mobilized supporters and vilified opponents.

    It was another two months before the official results were declared, 但在那之前, speculation abounded that Jefferson and New York's Aaron Burr had defeated Adams 和Charles Cotesworth Pinckney of South Carolina. Pinckney's home state was rumored to have delivered unanimous support to Jefferson and Burr, prompting 阿比盖尔 to write to her son Thomas Boylston Adams on 13 December 1800, "S Carolin has behaved as Your Father always Said She would." 阿比盖尔 recognized the significance of South Carolina's votes: "the concequence to us personally, 是我们退出公众生活吗.”“对于我自己和我的家人,我没有什么遗憾,她接着说, "at My age and with my bodily infirmities I shall be happier at Quincy. 也不是我的习惯, 或我的教育或爱好, have led Me to an expensive stile of living; So on that score I have little to mourn over; if I did not rise with Dignity, I can at least fall with ease; which is the more difficult task."

    官方结果, tabulated and announced to a joint session of Congress by Jefferson on 11 February 1801, revealed an electoral tie between Jefferson and Burr; each had 73 votes. Adams's defeat was confirmed; he received 65 votes, one more than Pinckney. 亚当斯的总统任期不到一个月就结束了. 对阿比盖尔, who had advised and supported John throughout his public career, 是时候为退休做准备了. "My own intention," she told Thomas Boylston, "is to return to Quincy as soon as I conveniently can."

    阿比盖尔离开了华盛顿特区.C.1801年2月13日到昆西. That same day, well over a year after it was first introduced, John Adams signed the U.S. Judiciary Act into law, which among other reforms created sixteen new federal judgeships. 阿比盖尔当天晚些时候抵达巴尔的摩. 旅途劳累, 她通知约翰, "I am not so weary however as to have lost my curiosity about the fate of the Election," which was then being determined by the House of Representatives. 2月17日,她到了费城. Earlier that day, the House, in its thirty-sixth ballot, had elected Jefferson as president. By the 19th Jefferson's election was widely reported in the Philadelphia press.

    On 21 February 阿比盖尔 wrote to John again from Philadelphia, 注意的是, “我想看看评委名单." Three days earlier, he had issued the first in a series of nominations to the U.S. Judiciary that later became known as his "midnight appointments.然而,这些任命并不是……的副产品, 或者回应, Adams's or the Federalists' defeat in the election of 1800. The origins of the Judiciary Act of 1801 predated the election, and reforming the U.S. judicial system was a cause Adams supported throughout much of his public career. 例如, in his 3 December 1799 opening message to the first session of the sixth Congress, he described the judiciary's restructuring as "indispensably necessary." 阿比盖尔 appreciated the importance of the judicial nominations, 太, 尽管她在费城, she continued to be interested in the twilight of John's public career, writing "I wish You well through the remainder of Your political journey.他的任期还剩不到两周, 约翰·亚当斯于23日发布了额外的司法提名, 25, 1801年2月26日和3月2日, 所有这些都得到了参议院的批准.


    From 2018年10月 to November 2019, the Massachusetts Historical Society and 其他马萨诸塞州文化组织 will "记得阿比盖尔" by offering engaging programs and educational opportunities that explore the life and legacy of 阿比盖尔 Adams. Join us at an event and post your reflections about 阿比盖尔 on social media using #Remember阿比盖尔. 欲知详情,请浏览 记得阿比盖尔.


    This letter is part of the Adams Family Papers at the Massachusetts Historical Society and will be published by the 亚当斯论文编辑项目 in the forthcoming volume 14 of the 亚当斯家书 (Harvard University Press, 2019). 它也可以在 《利记APP官网手机版》 (2007), p. 475-476,在 亚当斯家族文件:电子档案.

    亚当斯论文电子版, which features 阿比盖尔 Adams's correspondence with John Adams between 1762 and 1797.

    约瑟夫·埃利斯. 第一家庭:阿比盖尔和约翰. 纽约:Alfred A. 克诺夫出版社,2010年.

    创始人在线, which features Early Access Documents of 阿比盖尔 Adams's letters through her death in 1818.

    乔安妮·B·弗里曼著. 荣誉事务:民国初年的国家政治. 纽黑文:耶鲁大学出版社,2001.

    gell,伊迪丝. 阿比盖尔 & 约翰:《利记APP官网手机版》. 纽约:William Morrow, 2009.

    gell,伊迪丝. 鲍西娅:《利记手机官网》. 布卢明顿:印第安纳大学出版社,1992.

    玛格丽特·A·霍根. 和C. 詹姆斯·泰勒. 《利记APP官网手机版》, ed. 玛格丽特一. 霍根和C. 詹姆斯·泰勒. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2007.

    霍尔顿,伍迪. 阿比盖尔·亚当斯:一生. 纽约:自由出版社,2009.

    莱文,这是菲利斯·李. 《阿比盖尔·亚当斯传. 纽约:St. 马丁出版社,1987年.

    特纳,凯瑟琳. 《1801年联邦政策与司法法案." 威廉与玛丽季刊 22, No. 1. 1965年1月. Pp. 3–32.

    伍德沃德,霍布森和萨拉·马丁,克里斯托弗·F. 明蒂,阿曼达·M. 诺顿,尼尔·密立根,格温·弗里斯和萨拉·乔治尼,编. 亚当斯家书,卷. 14. Cambridge: Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2019.