Massachusetts Historical Society

The Massacre Illustrated

最著名的描绘波士顿大屠杀的版画是保罗·里维尔在1770年创作的, 但在接下来的两年里,马萨诸塞州和伦敦也出现了其他几个版本. 每一张照片都是为了表达对英国军队行为的愤怒,并寻求对爱国者事业的支持. 士兵和市民对峙的画面意义重大,引人注目, but are historically inaccurate. 艺术家们描绘了一排英国士兵向手无寸铁的人群近距离射击,从而影响了公众舆论, 而实际上并没有这样有组织的军事行动,平民只是一群不守规矩的六十人.

为了比较马萨诸塞州历史学会收藏的版画版本, visit the  comparison page 你能找出七幅利记APP官网手机版波士顿大屠杀的版画和一幅在事件发生30年后描绘该地点的画作之间的异同吗.

Paul Revere

保罗·里维尔的雕刻通常被认为是基于亨利·佩勒姆的雕刻, a Boston painter and engraver. Although Pelham created his image, The Fruits of Arbitrary Power first, somehow Revere, working from Pelham's rendition of the scene, created, advertised, and issued his own version, The Bloody Massacre, ahead of Pelham's. This angered Pelham, who wrote to Revere on 29 March 1770, “当我听说你在切一盘已故的谋杀案时, 我认为这是不可能的,因为我知道你不可能做到这一点,除非你从我的信中抄袭,我想我把它委托给了一个更尊重荣誉和正义的人,而不是利用你对我的信任和信任.佩勒姆的信发表在《利记手机官网》上, 2nd series, volume 8 (1892-1894), page 227.]

1770年3月5日发生在波士顿国王街的血腥屠杀 ...
Engraving by Paul Revere

里维尔还创作了一幅不太详细的大屠杀现场木刻画, 是由印刷商以赛亚·托马斯广泛传播的吗. Its first appearance was in The Massachusetts Calendar or an Almanac for 1772. 1772年晚些时候,同样的木刻也被用在了一幅题为《 A Monumental Inscription on the Fifth of March, also published by Isaiah Thomas.

Woodcut by Paul Revere
A Monumental Inscription on the Fifth of March
Broadside with woodcut by Paul Revere

Henry Pelham's Engraving

Henry Pelham's depiction of the Boston Massacre, 专权的果实,还是血腥的屠杀, was published in the spring of 1770. 尽管佩勒姆在1770年3月5日创作了可能是第一张利记APP官网手机版这一事件的插图,但当保罗·里维尔(Paul Revere)首先将他的印刷品推向市场时,他失去了这样做的名声和财富. 佩勒姆的版画很罕见,但美国古物学会拥有一份复制品, 可以通过他们在美国古物协会的“保罗·里维尔作品插图清单”来查看." [Please note: Since the MHS doesn't own a copy of this engraving, the image isn't available on the comparison page, 但上面的链接会打开一个新标签,引导你进入美国科学院佩勒姆版画的在线展示.]

Differences between Revere's and Pelham's Engravings

虽然乍一看里维尔和佩勒姆的雕刻看起来很相似, 仔细观察就会发现它们有许多不同之处,使我们能够区分它们. In Pelham's print, 左上角的月亮面朝右, whereas it faces to the left in Revere's version. 佩勒姆的版本显示了第一教堂圆顶上的八根柱子, while Revere's print shows only seven. 佩勒姆在州议会大厦的右边有一个冒烟的烟囱,在它的右边还有一个细长的尖塔, neither of which appear in Revere's version. And lastly, 佩勒姆的版画引用了《诗篇》第94篇, 而里维尔的作品则是一首原创的十八行诗. 

里维尔的手法(故意将他对波士顿大屠杀的描绘建立在佩勒姆的形象之上)在当时并不罕见, 当时的作品还不被视为知识产权,也不受版权保护. Clarence S. Brigham, in Paul Revere's Engravings, 他写道:“在18世纪,雕刻家习惯复制他们遇到的任何东西, without credit or acknowledgement.(伍斯特:美国古物学会,1954年),第44页.

Jonathan Mulliken (based on Revere)

来自马萨诸塞州纽伯里波特(Newburyport)的钟表匠乔纳森.在里维尔的版画之后,他创作了自己的现场渲染图. Although it also appeared in 1770, Mulliken's version had enough variations, such as only six columns in the cupola, that it was clearly struck from a different plate.

1770年3月5日发生在波士顿国王街的血腥屠杀 ...
Engraving by Jonathan Mulliken

Based on Henry Pelham

亨利·佩勒姆(Henry Pelham)雕刻的英文重印版出现在W. Bingley in London in 1770. 标题和图像都与佩勒姆的版画相似, 文字来自佩勒姆和里维尔的版画. MHS的《利记手机官网》再版本最初是折叠并装订在小册子里的, A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre, (London: reprinted for W. Bingley, 1770). MHS还收藏了佩勒姆的另一幅英文复制品, The Massacre Perpetrated in King Street Boston. This engraving appeared as the frontispiece for A Short Narrative of the Horrid Massacre, (London: reprinted for E. and C. Dilly in the Poultry; and J. Almon, in Piccadilly, 1770).


Two Nineteenth Century Depictions of the Event

波士顿大屠杀的重要性并没有随着时间的推移而消失, 1770年3月那个夜晚的图像继续被创造出来, published, and distributed decades later. One example, 阿朗佐·哈特韦尔于1838年出版的版画, was based on Revere's engraving. Another example, a lithograph published in 1856, 通过克里斯普斯·阿塔克斯对事件进行了不同的解释, 五名受害者之一(也是唯一的非裔美国人), at the center of the scene.

Boston Massacre, 1770
Woodcut by Alonzo Hartwell, based on Paul Revere
Boston Massacre, March 5th 1770
Lithograph by J.H. Bufford’s Lith., after W. Champney

Where it Happened

State Street, 1801
Oil on canvas by James Brown Marston

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