

× The Sugar Act The Stamp Act The Formation of the Sons of Liberty The Townshend Acts Non-consumption and Non-importation The Boston Massacre 通讯委员会的组成 The Boston Tea Party The Coercive Acts The First Continental Congress Lexington and Concord The Second Continental Congress The Battle of Bunker Hill 华盛顿开始指挥大陆军 Declarations of Independence

The Boston Massacre


In June 1767, Parliament passed the Townshend Acts, 哪个国家对包括茶叶在内的物品征收进口税, lead, glass, paint, 并在波士顿设立了美国海关专员委员会. 波士顿人通过鼓励殖民地的非进口和非消费运动来抗议进口关税. In February 1768, 海关专员们要求国会保证他们在波士顿履行职责时的安全. 当年10月,军队开始抵达. 许多波士顿人对常备军出现在他们的城镇感到不满, 爱国领袖齐心协力,煽动民众对士兵的仇恨.

1770年1月和2月,非进口运动停滞不前, 一些波士顿人主动阻止商人出售英国商品. 进口商的商店遭到破坏,顾客受到欺负. On 22 February, 11岁的克里斯托弗·塞德被愤怒的海关线人埃比尼泽·理查森枪杀. Patriots ensure that Seider becomes a young martyr in the war against import duties.

By the winter of 1770, 平民与第十四团和第二十九团的士兵之间的冲突越来越频繁, the last troops remaining in Boston. (其他团以前已重新部署.3月2日周末,士兵和工人在约翰·格雷的绳索上发生了一系列冲突, 波士顿人预计会有更多的麻烦. On the evening of 5 March, 海关大楼前的一个哨兵被一群年轻人骚扰. As the crowd swells, 托马斯·普雷斯顿上尉率领第二十九团的七名士兵增援哨兵, 但他无法说服人群散开. Amidst the noise and confusion, shots are fired; three civilians are killed and two more are mortally wounded. Within hours of the episode, Captain Preston and his men are in jail, 市民们要求将军队撤出波士顿. 报纸争相报道…的消息 the tumultuous week and its capstone event.

托利党和爱国者立即互相指责对方的对抗, 双方开始收集证词来支持自己的观点. The Tories strike first,他们的帐目和证词已于3月16日寄往英国. 他不满足于让军方官员替他说话, Preston speaks out from his jail cell. 与此同时,爱国者领导人也在进行自己的宣传攻势. 一个由镇任命的委员会起草了一份报告,暗示这起事件是由 a sinister plot. 保罗·里维尔(Paul Revere)推销的一幅雕刻作品生动地描绘了 a bloody massacre, while others commemorate the "tragical scene" in verse.

爱国者领袖呼吁立即进行审判, but Lieutenant Governor Thomas Hutchinson, knowing that townspeople are demanding an eye for an eye他希望将试验推迟到夏季. 审判最终被推迟到秋季, but in the intervening months, 理查森因小塞德的死亡而受审,并被判犯有谋杀罪.

John Adams, Robert Auchmuty Jr., and Josiah Quincy Jr. 留下来保护普雷斯顿和他的手下. Robert Treat Paine和Samuel Quincy (Josiah的兄弟)将起诉. Lieutenant Governor Thomas Hutchinson, 也是最高法院的首席大法官, declines to preside at the trials. Benjamin Lynde serves in his place. 普雷斯顿的审判于1770年10月24日开始,几天后陪审团达成 a surprise verdict: not guilty. 从1770年11月27日开始,普雷斯顿的手下被单独审判. Adams prepares a complicated defense, and six of the soldiers are found not guilty; two others are found guilty of manslaughter but escape the death penalty.

审判结束后,波士顿平静下来. Writing under the pseudonym "Vindex,塞缪尔·亚当斯试图通过一系列报纸文章重审普雷斯顿和士兵们, 但他的作品未能如他所希望的那样激起公众的情绪. 亚当斯成功地把3月5日变成了哀悼日, 从1784年开始,波士顿每年都会举行纪念演讲. 多年后,约翰·亚当斯回顾1770年的事件,他认为 justice had prevailed.

Rowe's Revolution

"This night the 29th Regimt on Duty. A Quarrel between the soldiers & Inhabitants. 钟声响起,一大群人聚集在国王街. 由普雷斯顿上尉指挥的第29党向人民开火...."

Diary of John Rowe,
5 March 1770

Read more of John Rowe's diary


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